
Run a Node.js script as a background process

To run a Node.js script as a background process, you can use various methods depending on your specific requirements and the operating system you are using. Here are a few options: 1. Using a process manager (e.g., PM2): - Install PM2 globally by running npm install -g pm2 . - Start your Node.js script as a background process using PM2: pm2 start your_script.js - PM2 provides additional features like process monitoring, automatic restarts, and log management. 2. Using the nohup command: - Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where your Node.js script is located. - Run the following command: nohup node your_script.js & The nohup command ensures that the script continues running even if the terminal session is closed. 3. Using the screen command: - Install screen if it is not already installed by running sudo apt install screen . - Open a terminal and run the following command to start a new screen session: screen -S session_name - With

Whatsapp-web.js On Ubuntu Server

If you are encountering issues with launching the browser while trying to load the QR code using whatsapp-web.js on an Ubuntu server, you can try the following approach: First, make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies, including whatsapp-web.js, qrcode-terminal, and a headless browser like puppeteer: npm install whatsapp-web.js qrcode-terminal puppeteer Next, create a file called index.js and paste the following code: const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal'); const { Client } = require('whatsapp-web.js'); const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); // Path to store session data const SESSION_FILE_PATH = './session.json'; // Initialize the WhatsApp client const client = new Client({ session: require(SESSION_FILE_PATH), puppeteer: { executablePath: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser', // Change this path to your Chromium executable headless: true, args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid

Convert a PDF file to a Word document on Node.js

To convert a PDF file to a Word document on Node.js, you can use a package like pdf-to-word. Here's an example code snippet that shows how to use pdf-to-word to convert a PDF file to a Word document: const fs = require('fs'); const pdf2docx = require('pdf-to-word'); const pdfFilePath = 'path/to/pdf/file.pdf'; const outputFilePath = 'path/to/word/file.docx'; pdf2docx.convert(fs.readFileSync(pdfFilePath)).then(function (result) { fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, result); console.log('PDF converted to Word document successfully.'); }).catch(function (error) { console.error('Error converting PDF to Word document:', error); }); In this example, we first require the fs module to read and write files, and the pdf-to-word package to convert the PDF to Word. Then, we specify the paths to the input PDF file and the output Word file. Next, we call pdf2docx.convert() and pass in the contents of the PDF file using fs.readFile

Read text from an image in Node.js

To use Tesseract.js on Node.js, you first need to install it as a dependency in your Node.js project using npm or yarn. Here are the steps to install and use Tesseract.js on Node.js: 1. Install Tesseract.js and its dependencies using npm or yarn: npm install tesseract.js or yarn add tesseract.js 2. Once installed, you can import and use Tesseract.js in your Node.js application. Here is an example that uses Tesseract.js to recognize text from an image file: const Tesseract = require('tesseract.js'); // Provide the path to the image file const imagePath = '/path/to/image.jpg'; // Use Tesseract.js to recognize text from the image Tesseract.recognize(imagePath, 'eng', { logger: m => console.log(m) }) .then(({ data: { text } }) => { console.log(`Recognized text: ${text}`); }) .catch(error => { console.log(`Error recognizing text: ${error}`); }); In this example, we first import Tesseract.js and then provide the path to

Reset the values of a form using jQuery

To reset the values of a form using jQuery, you can use the reset method. This method resets the form fields to their default values. Here is an example: HTML: <form id="myForm"> <input type="text" name="name" value="John"> <input type="text" name="email" value=""> <button type="button" id="resetBtn">Reset</button> </form> JavaScript: $(document).ready(function() { $('#resetBtn').click(function() { $('#myForm')[0].reset(); }); }); In the above example, when the user clicks the "Reset" button, the values of the input fields with name="name" and name="email" will be reset to their default values. The reset method is called on the form element with id myForm. Note that the reset method only works on form elements, not on individual input fields.

Save data input from a datatable as a array

To save input form data from a DataTable, you can use the DataTable rows().data() method to get the data from the table, and then send it to the server via an AJAX request. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to save input form data from a DataTable using jQuery and AJAX: // Get the DataTable instance var table = $('#example').DataTable(); // Handle form submission $('#form').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // Get the data from the DataTable var data = table.rows().data().toArray(); // Send the data to the server $.ajax({ url: 'save.php', method: 'POST', data: { data: data }, success: function(response) { alert('Data saved successfully!'); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.error(error); alert('Error saving data!'); } }); }); In this example, the #example element represents the DataTable, and the #form element represents t

Save data input from a datatable as a JSON object

To save data input from a datatable as a JSON object, you can use the rows().data() method of the datatable object to retrieve all the rows in the table, and then loop through them to extract the data from the input fields. Here's an example: // get the datatable object var table = $('#example').DataTable(); // get all the data in the table var data = table.rows().data(); // create an array to store the data var dataArray = []; // loop through the rows and extract the data data.each(function (value, index) { var row = {}; row['name'] = value[0]; // assuming the first column contains the name row['email'] = value[1]; // assuming the second column contains the email row['phone'] = value[2]; // assuming the third column contains the phone dataArray.push(row); }); // convert the array to a JSON object var jsonData = JSON.stringify(dataArray); // send the JSON object to the server using AJAX $.ajax({ url: '

Add highlight on hover for a datatable

To add highlight on hover for a datatable, you can use the rowCallback option in the DataTables initialization. Here is an example code snippet: $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').DataTable({ "rowCallback": function( row, data ) { $(row).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass('highlight'); }, function(){ $(this).removeClass('highlight'); }); } }); }); In this code, we're using jQuery's hover method to add or remove the class highlight to the row based on mouse enter or leave events. Then, we define the rowCallback function to handle this behavior for each row in the table. Note that in this example, we assume that you have defined a CSS class named highlight to style the hovered row. You can define this class in your stylesheet as follows: .highlight { background-color: yellow; } This will give the rows a yellow background when they are hovered over. You can change the styles

Enable multiple row selection in a DataTable

To enable multiple row selection in a DataTable, you can set the select option to 'multi' when initializing the DataTable, like this: $(document).ready(function() { $('#myTable').DataTable({ select: 'multi' }); }); This will enable multiple row selection using the standard click and shift-click behavior. You can then get the selected rows using the rows({selected: true}) method. For example, to get the data for all selected rows, you could use: var table = $('#myTable').DataTable(); var data = table.rows({selected: true}).data().toArray(); This would give you an array of objects, where each object represents a selected row and contains the row's data. You can also listen for the select and deselect events to perform actions when rows are selected or deselected. For example, to log the selected rows to the console whenever a row is selected or deselected, you could use: $('#myTable').on('select deselect&

Server-side paging in DataTables

Server-side paging in DataTables allows for large amounts of data to be loaded and displayed on a page without having to load the entire dataset. This is done by sending an Ajax request to the server for each new page of data, instead of loading all the data at once. Here are the basic steps to implement server-side paging in DataTables: 1. Configure the server-side script to return the appropriate subset of data based on the page number and page size. 2. Initialize DataTables with the server-side processing option set to true, and configure the Ajax settings to point to the server-side script and send the necessary parameters. 3. Set the paging options in DataTables to display the desired number of rows per page, and configure any additional options as needed. Here is an example of how to implement server-side paging in DataTables using PHP and MySQL: PHP script (server-side script to retrieve data): <?php // MySQL database connection details $host = 'localhost';