How to download an image from a URL using file_get_contents in PHP, resize the image using the GD library, and then encode the resized image as BASE64.
Here's an example of how to download an image from a URL using file_get_contents in PHP, resize the image using the GD library, and then encode the resized image as BASE64.php // URL of the image you want to download and resize $imageUrl = ''; // Download the image using file_get_contents $imageData = file_get_contents($imageUrl); if ($imageData === false) { echo 'Failed to download the image.'; exit; } // Create an image resource from the downloaded image data $originalImage = imagecreatefromstring($imageData); if ($originalImage === false) { echo 'Failed to create image resource.'; exit; } // Get the original image dimensions $originalWidth = imagesx($originalImage); $originalHeight = imagesy($originalImage); // Calculate the new dimensions for the resized image $newWidth = 200; // Replace with the desired width for the resized image $newHeight = ($originalHeight / $originalWidth) * $newWi...